Mastery of Magnitude ~ 7 Apr 2013

During the next few days, Venus and Mars align with Eris, and then they march on toward a collection of black holes in late Aries, which aspect potent black holes in Cancer and Libra. At the end of the week, the Sun follows suit. These passages portend a fabulous time for personal advancement.

To master the magnitude of the alignments, consider first the essence of the dreaded Eris. Why dreaded? Well, following is a collection of “attributes” I’ve been able to derive in the decade since her discovery:

...promises and vows (both kept and broken), elections and election fraud, intervention by higher powers (troubleshooters, bosses, lawmakers, authorities, deity or God), using chaos and disruption as a method of reorganization - i.e., dumping a closet onto the floor, then reorganizing, things that overturn, the scales of justice, battles, disputes, famine, fightings (sic), lawlessness (attributed to her moon, Dysnomia), lies, manslayings (sic), murders, oath, oblivion, quarrels - and getting the last word therein, sorrows and toil, contention, rivalry, loved the spilling of blood on the battlefield (Eris was discovered the year the longest running war in U.S. history launched), the fifth day of the month (yeah, I know the post is two days late), gluttony, gloating, nurses of war, women wearing men’s uniforms...

That collection should cheer anyone up.

Regardless of the nastiness of the lore of a named object, a transformative side to polarize the negativity exists in Eris, and in seekers is avidly sought as personal planets transit her. Now in Aries, Eris demands that a person establish impeccable, self-referencing standards. In short, release all addictions to status, success and economic strata. Create your own “perfect fit” location for your spirit within yourself, your relationships with others, the interactions you pursue on your professional path and your relationship with your higher purpose in life. Bluntly put, there is no contentment in pursuing socially defined standards if they do not match your soulful yearnings.

Find your fit and fill it.

Some additives to the octane of the ongoing self-discovery can be derived from mixing in bullet point essences of the black holes soon transited:

> Fighting one's nature is a war that cannot be won. Surrender to the nature of your spirit.

> Love cannot be received from others until all aspects of one's inner spirit is accepted.

> The flame of inner self may not flicker, especially when surging.

> Waiting is one of the greatest uses of time. If only something could be done about impatience while aligning with the silent Tao within.

> One is the loneliest number? Or do you really prefer your own company? Do you get enough alone time?

> To stand alone, move closer to the crowd. It’s an art form to be alone in the pack. But when clear on inner attributes and needs, you’ll automatically gravitate to those of similar disposition.

And adding the influences from the black holes in Cancer and Libra also currently transited...

> No one can instinctively know your greatest emotional needs unless your emotional needs are instinctively explored internally. Fulfillment occurs only when needs are clearly expressed.

> You can only receive as much as you determine your needs to be, if you do not represent your needs to others, fulfillment is unlikely. State the best of your emotional aspirations, and fully accept the fruits of those desires when delivered.

With the mastery of the magnitude of the current planetary movements, no doubt a tsunami of inner sensation may lead the way to believing in one’s personal majesty and magnificence.